Education Debate

Who is running for governor of Pennsylvania? What will the candidates do to help our schools? How will they support public education as a civil right and a public good?

So far this primary season, Governor Corbett has declined invitations to debate. He does have someone running against him in the Republican primary, but political analysts give his opponent almost no chance of bumping the incumbent from the ticket. I look forward to debates this fall when Gov. Corbett will be asked to publicly defend his record on education. But right now we need to know more about the Democratic candidates vying to take on the governor in the general election.

That’s why the PA Interfaith Impact Network (PIIN) and Yinzercation decided to co-host a Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate education debate. This will be the only debate in Pennsylvania focused exclusively on education issues! And all of the major candidates have committed to coming: Rob McCord, Katie McGinty, Allyson Schwartz, Jack Wagner, and Tom Wolf.

Please mark your calendars now and plan to be a part of this event:
Tuesday, April 8th  at Pittsburgh Obama 6-12
515 N. Highland Ave., Pittsburgh PA 15206
(Bus Service: 89 and 71B. Free parking at the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary.)

Doors open at 6PM with student performances. The debate begins 7PM, with doors closing promptly at 6:55PM for the live telecast, which will be moderated by WPXI’s Lisa Sylvester.

Do you have a question for the candidates? This is your chance to ask the people who want to govern our state where they stand on education issues! Email your question to by April 1st. Or you can tweet it ahead of time to #PGHed or bring it with you to write on the question cards we will have available during the seating hour.

This is truly a community event with a wide range of co-sponsors, including: the Black Political Empowerment Project; the Greater Park Place Neighborhood Association; the League of Women Voters of Greater Pittsburgh; the Pittsburgh Area Jewish Committee; the Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition; and the YMCA Youth and Government Club at Pittsburgh Obama 6-12.

For more information, updates, and to RSVP, please see our Facebook event page. And while you are there, please invite your friends – this is an entirely grassroots event with no budget and we are counting on you to help us spread the word. Can you volunteer on April 8th? We need lots of hands to make the evening a success – please let me know. This is participatory democracy in action!


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