Yinzercation Goes to the White House

We are getting noticed!

The President’s Office of Public Engagement has invited 150 community leaders from Pennsylvania to the White House for a briefing this Friday, March 23, 2012. Jessie Ramey, one of the leaders of our grassroots movement in Southwest Pennsylvania for public education and founder of this Yinzercation website and blog, has been invited to attend the White House event through Education Voters PA and Keystone Progress.

Community leaders will get an economic briefing from the NEC; meet with White House staff about specific issues of concern; speak at a listening session with Jon Carson, Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement; participate in policy breakout sessions; and have a tour of the White House.

The goals of the White House Community Leaders Briefing are:

  • To ensure the public is well-informed about government policies and programs and how they can utilize these resources;
  • Ensure that the White House is hearing from the public about how government policies and programs can serve them better;
  • Provide a briefing on the tools and resources available to their communities, community leaders will return home better armed to connect individuals to the policies and programs of the federal government.

Our involvement in this event reflects the growing importance of our grassroots movement – our voices are being heard! And it offers us the opportunity to keep the spotlight focused on public education in Pennsylvania. Now is the time to re-double our efforts. What can you do this week?

One thought on “Yinzercation Goes to the White House

  1. This is such exciting news! I can’t wait to have Yinzercation at the White House, and to read the report about how our struggle lines up with the dozens similar to in that (I imagine) are happening across the state during these difficult time!

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